Wednesday, May 02, 2007

I have an idea

People seem to react poorly when I call God "she", so I've been trying to think up something a little less jarring.

If I can't call God "she", and it doesn't make much sense to call Jesus "she", maybe I can call the holy spirit "she" and not get kicked out of church.

Who's with me?


Mr. Parker said...

Probably less punishable since most people (in our circles) generally use 'it' as the pronoun for the Holy Spirit.

I kinda like 'it'. More awkward, like when one asks what a babies name is but accidentally say "What is its name?" Obviously because they have no idea of its sex.

Unknown said...

I vote you keep calling God 'she' and see how long it takes for someone to have the guts to kick you out of (the) church.

SteveA said...

The idea of referring to the Holy Spirit as "she" is not new, it is ancient. In fact, according to this web site,

the Aramaic word for spirit is of feminine gender and this is pointed out in the Gospel of Philip. It is also recounted how a verse in the Gospel of Thomas also seems to refer to God as his mother. It may be that the Hebrew concept of the Shekinah may in some way connect with a feminine aspect of God.

Matthew said...

Well there you go.

MyFriendFate said...

How about a compromise and we all refer to God as "It".

Matthew said...

Yeah, somebody suggested "it" earlier, but that's kind of problematic if you believe in a God who is more like a person than an object.

Mystical Seeker said...

I think you should continue to call God she. It should be jarring. I think that is kind of the point. It is good to jar people out of their safe but limiting images of God sometimes.

Anonymous said...

The Father is not She. The Son is not She. Calling the Father or the Son She is inaccurate.

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom.