Sunday, September 11, 2005

Another Good Sermon

... although this one has a bit more cursing.

The coolness of the hushed church, the smell of incense lingering in the air, envelops me. I gaze down the length of the church and fixate on the tabernacle. The place where, when I was little, I believed God lived. I haven’t sat in a church in a long time. My mind is a sickened blank. What to say? What to ask the Almighty?

Almighty my ass. What a sick joke. When was the last time He saved anybody?

If you're game, visit waiterrant and read The God who Drowns. Thanks to Stu for the heads-up.

Oh, and I think the diablog engine is about ready for other people to try out on their blogs. I mean, it compiles and it's not trying to write 1 gig files anymore, so I figure it's pretty safe.

The links in my sidebar should subscribe you to all posts (instead of just one). Give it a whirl.


Anonymous said...

I was game and I agree with what he said, even though I've been trying to convince myself otherwise for many years.

Matthew said...

Nod, it's not really a warm and fuzzy theology, but I think it respects the goodness of God better than asserting that "God is in control".

On the other hand, I think Katherine's sermon does a good job of insisting that even though God is present to suffer, God is also present in the actions of people who provide comfort.

Anonymous said...

I think a lot of people like to use what "The Waiter" said as a crutch, to give them a justification for their anger at God, and at the world. I have experience in this. We ask a lot of "Why would God...?" But I've learned something since becoming a parent. You do things that Hurt you, and can hurt you a lot, to steer your children on to the right path.

I explained it to my wife the other night, if God drowned N.O. and the refugees were sent to another city and one of them found Christ and spread the word, then something good came out of the tragedy. I hate to use the blanket, "God has his reasons" but really, he does.

Paul said...

To me, it seems certain that God, whatever God is, is not a micromanager. I'm aware though, that this contradicts the idea many people have of a divine plan...