Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Question #6: Regarding Walter Reed Medical Center

Which would you rather give for your country, your legs or your life?


Unknown said...

Neither, thank you very much! I might give life or limb for some causes or people, not for my country.

Paul said...

Cody beat me to it. For "country" in these times I read "Cheney-Bush administration."

I'd give my toenail clippings I guess.

Matthew said...

While I feel the same way about the Cheney administration, I do kind of like the United States.

Sure, we may be a little too free-and-easy with our landfills, and our hummers, and that sort of thing, and we may be functionally illiterate, but I think that overall, the people are well-meaning, and overall, the country is beautiful, and overall, the idea of democracy is a good one. So while I'm sometimes jealous of a few smaller countries that seem to have it more together, I kind of dig my country. That's not really what my question was about, but there you go.

(You know, now that I think about it, I feel the same way about Texas. Hm.)

Houston said...

I choose legs. Seeing as bionic body parts seem to be around the

scoots said...

I'd definitely give my legs before my life, but then since I'm a guy who prefers to sit and read most of the time anyway, it wouldn't ruin what I value most about my life. I can imagine that some people, if they lost their legs, wouldn't feel they had much of anything left.

kelly said...


Unknown said...

hey matt, has anyone been sharing the Bare Feet stuff with you? Hab put some of our recordings online. Email me if you need the link.